Story of life: two young men

The young man being described is the video below is employed in the government emergency service Rescue 1122. He brings an infant to the emergency ward in a hospital in small city in Punjab. The child appears to be unconscious or losing vital signs. The man is seen as trying his best to reach professional help to save this child's life. Doing his duty diligently to the best of his abilities.

The other video below is of a man recording himself before going on a killing spree in a small city in Punjab. He appears to be very upset about the fact that these days Muslim are Muslim-in-name-only, they have given up challenging those who are not on the right path and that the clerics who preach peace and prayers (namaz) are mistaken and weak. He appear to imply that the real salvation lies in waging a war against all those who are not on the 'right path' , regardless of whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim.
In the second part of the video he talks about his discontentment with the society, with women driving cars, with justice system letting murderers go unpunished because they are powerful and common people 'making fun' of religion and 'pushing religion back'. He talks about himself being laughed at by his friends and family for preaching 'Islam'. He talks about his contempt for this worldly life and his faith for a reward in heavens for what he is about to do. 

And here is what he did after uploading those videos. He is seen walking through a small town bazaar with an automatic weapon. Chanting Allah-o-Akbar and shouting at people for not being good Muslims. He fires randomly into the shops where people were trying to take cover. 

Here, his brother tries to explain why this happened: This young man was mentally disturbed because he had been treated very badly by the local police over a family dispute. The brother himself had to escape to Saudi Arabia fearing for his life due to this dispute. The murderer was allegedly subjected to extreme violence a year or so ago by the other party in the same bazaar where he went on a killing spree later, before being shot dead. He had been beaten up, clothes torn off and dragged in the bazaar but no one had dared intervene. Since then he had 'lost his mind' and now ended up doing the unthinkable - killing innocent people. 

At least seven people died in the incident. They had nothing to do with the original dispute. The brother says that the killer was driven mad to commit this crime because the justice system in Pakistan had failed him and that that other party to the original dispute were too powerful to take a revenge from. 

Two young men two stories; one employed by the state to save lives as a rescuer and the other failed by the state, by its dysfunctional justice system and policies of giving space to (even encouraging) religious extremism. 



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